The career of Dr. Medved has two main periods. Firstly, he worked on R&D projects at Velenje Coal Mine. In his master’s and doctoral studies, he was among pioneers in the implementation of computer science into Slovenian mining, and he developed several applications for computer-aided surveying practice, laid the foundations of the first mining-technical information system, and created the first graphically supported model of subsidence forecast above underground coal mining. The second period of his career is more business-oriented. He participated in several projects of Slovenian implementation of EU regulations and the liberalization of the electricity market. He has co-authored the analysis of the competitiveness of power producers and led a project of stranded investment identification in the Slovenian electricity sector. After that, when Holding Slovenske elektrarne was founded, he was a member of the first management board. When the Energy Chamber of Slovenia was established, he became its first president. At the University of Maribor, he lectures on the subject of Energy sources.
Coal mining changed the Šalek Valley considerably. Today’s view of the exploitation area proves that careful planning and environmental responsibility enable the coal industry to be sustainable too.
1960 Born in Celje
1983 Degree, thesis on longwall mining method, University of Ljubljana
1989 Master’s on computer aided geometrization of mine space, University of Ljubljana
1994 PhD on subsidence model of defomations above undermined strata, University of Ljubljana
2002 Member of the Board, Holding Slovenske elektrarne
2004 President, Chamber of Energetics
2007 Manager of Velenje Coal Mine
2008 Assistant professor, University of Maribor
Important Works
Medved M, Malenković V, Dervarič E (2011) Restructuring of the coal mining enterprises. Technics tehnologies education management 6:247-255.
Medved M, Skubin G (2008) Electricity power demand and supply in EU 27 & E Europe. Modern Tendencies in the Development of Energy Mining 21:15-28.
Todorović R, Medved M (1997) Subsidence prediction & land restoration activities. The 23rd IEMSA, Fremantle Australia 46:419-426.
Selected Awards
2005 Award for achieving goals in scientific-research, entrepreneurship and development, the Slovenian National Committee of the World Energy Congress