Professor Leopold Skerget has worked on power, process, and environmental engineering and the transport phenomena of heat, mass, and momentum in solids and fluids. His research has focused on developing and applying computational fluid dynamics numerical solution models (e.g., the finite element method and boundary element methods) for the numerical simulation and modelling of the transport phenomena of laminar and turbulent fluid flow in machines, apparatus, and environmental systems, typical for mechanical, process and environmental engineering. He was a Full Professor and Head of the Institute for Power, Process and Environmental Engineering. He has collaborated, as a visiting professor, with the University of Coimbra in the development and use of reliable numerical models to simulate non-linear coupled heat, moisture and air flow through porous multilayer building structures and green roofs.

Temperature variation over time through five-layer porous green roof structure: canopy – soil – expanded cork – moisture barrier – concrete.


1984 PhD on computational fluid dynamics, University of Maribor (UM)

1993 Full professor, UM

1995 Head of Chair and Institute for power, process and environmental engineering, UM

1998 Scientific fellow, Turboinstitut, Ljubljana

2006 Visiting professor, University of Evora, Portugal

2013–2019 Visiting professor, University of Coimbra, Portugal

2016 Adjunct professor at the Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK

2017 Professor emeritus, UM


Important Works

Lupše J., Škerget, L., Ravnik J. (2014) Velocity-vorticity (RANS) turbulence modeling by boundary element method. Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 39:44-52.

Škerget L., Tadeu A. (2014) BEM numerical simulation of coupled heat and moisture flow through a porous solid. Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 40:154-161.

Kocutar P., Škerget L., Ravnik J. (2015) Hybrid LES/URANS simulation of turbulent… Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 61:16-26.


Selected Awards

1997 Silver plaque, University of Maribor (UM)

1986 A. von Humboldt scholarship, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nurnberg

2001 Zois award for highest scientific research contributions in the area of process and environmental engineering

2004 golden placard, UM

2008 Eminent scientist medal of Wessex Institute, Southampton