Janez Novak
Janez Novak, founder of RLS, has successfully implemented advanced technological and business innovations in the position sensing and metrology, working as a developer, marketer, and company director. During his entrepreneurial career, he has collaborated with domestic and international knowledge institutions as well as highly qualified technology suppliers. Since 2000 in partnership with the UK company Renishaw, RLS has successfully expanded into global markets. Novak has established a strong R&D core development of advanced sensors. The in-house design and clean room assembly of integrated circuits enable miniaturisation and ensures high global competitiveness. He has patented advanced operating principles for magnetic sensors used in robotic joints, machine tools, and mobility devices. He focuses on growth, stakeholder satisfaction and broader contribution to social development. He actively encourages young people to pursue engineering and offers scholarships and career support. In his work, he strives to balance technological progress with environmental sustainability.
AksIM™ absolute rotary magnetic encoder is installed on the robotic joint of PAL Robotics humanoid robot to control position of the axis. The image below is the MIS chip.
1955 Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia
1979 Graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
1979 Development engineer for machine tool control systems at Iskra Avtomatika
1989 Founder and director of RLS, d. o. o.
2014 Member of extended Board of Governors at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
2020 Member of Board of Governors at Institue Jožef Stefan
Izbrana dela
EP1466142 Encoder with reference marks
EP2212651 Magnetic encoder and reference mark applicator
EP3167248 Process and device for adjusting rotary encoder
Selected Awards
2013 Nagrada Gospodarske zbornice Slovenije za izjemne gospodarske dosežke
2015 Slovenska gazela
2018 Nagrada za najizvoznika leta FDI
2020 Vitez Dela 2020
2023 Delova Podjetniška zvezda