Jadran Lenarčič started his career in robotics at the Jožef Stefan Institute. He has gained international recognition in the field of robot kinematics. He was the initiator and, to this day, is the chairman of the international symposia Advances and Robot Kinematics, considered the most important international meeting in this field. In 1988, his methodology of modeling robot kinematics was published by the world’s first Encyclopedia of Robotics. Prof. Lenarčič also studied the movement of the human upper extremity for the development of humanoid robots. The most notable achievement is the robotic shoulder, which is based on a parallel mechanism and allows human-like movement. He participated in the development of the first industrial robots in the country and their applications in the industry. From 2005 to 2020, he was the director of the Jožef Stefan Institute. He is a professor at the University of Ljubljana and regularly teaches at the University of Bologna. He is a correspondent member of the Bologna Academy of Sciences and Arts.

A model of the shoulder mechanism of a humanoid robot in the frontal plane. Above is a scheme of the mechanism where U refers to the universal joint, T to the translational joint and S to the spherical joint. The mechanism in the abduction motion is shown below.


1955 Born in Belgrade

1979 Undergraduate degree, Faculty of Electrical engineering, Ljubljana

1986 PhD Faculty of Electrical Engineering

1992 Visiting professor University of Hull

1994 Visiting professor University of Ferrara

1997 Visiting professor at University of Bologna

1999 Visiting professor, Notre Dame University

2003 Full professor at the University of Ljubljana

2005 Director JSI


Important Works

J. Lenarčič in M. M. Stanisic (2003) Humanoid shoulder complex and the humeral pointing kinematics. IEEE Trans. Robot. Autom.19:499-507.

J. Babič in J. Lenarčič (2004) In vivo determination of triceps surae muscle- tendon complex viscoelastic properties. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. Occup. Physiol. 92:477-484.

J. Lenarčič, M. M. Stanišić in T. Bajd (2012) Robot Mechanisms, Springer.


Selected Awards

1988 Red dela s srebrnim vencem | Work Medal with Silver Wreath

2015 Cavaliere Ufficiale nell’Ordine al merito della Repubblica Italiana

2019 Chevalier de l’ordre national du mérit, Francija | France