Boris Vladimirovič Gusev
Predsednik Ruske inženirske akademije, Rusija
Po diplomi iz železniškega inženirstva je nato še doktoriral na temo mehanika tal, podstavkov in temeljev. Znanstveno kariero je pričel na Univerzi v Dnepropetrovsku, kjer je bilo njegovo področje izboljšanje kakovosti armiranobetonskih konstrukcij za stanovanjsko gradnjo. Področje delovanja je razširil na raziskave trajnosti betona in postopkov vibriranja. Zaupana mu je bila naloga izgradnje novih objektov za olimpijske igre v Moskvi leta 1980, kasneje tudi izdelava novih vrst konstrukcij in razvoj novih tehnologij njihove izdelave, gradnja novih stanovanjskih četrti ter gradnja unikatnih zgradb in struktur, ki prispevajo k moskovski arhitekturi. Kasneje je prof. Gusev vodil enega najpomembnejših razvojnih programov armiranobetonskih konstrukcij v ZSSR in Rusiji.
Sodelovanje prof. Guseva s slovenskimi znanstveniki se je pričelo leta 1995, s Centrom za eksperimentalno mehaniko. Kot somentor je sodeloval pri več doktorskih študentih, ki so iz Rusije prišli na doktorski študij na Univerzo v Ljubljani.
Prof. Gusev je predsednik Ruske inženirske akademije, dopisni član Ruske akademije znanosti, častni znanstvenik Ruske federacije, dobitnik nagrad ruske vlade za znanost in izobraževanje.
President of the Russian Academy of Engineering, Russia
After graduating in railway engineering, Professor Gusev received his doctorate in soil mechanics and foundations. He began his scientific career at the University of Dnepropetrovsk, where he focused on improving the quality of reinforced concrete structures for residential construction. He extended his area of activity to research into concrete durability and vibration processes. He was entrusted with building new facilities for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow, making new types of structures and developing new technologies for their manufacture, building new residential neighborhoods, and building unique buildings and structures that contribute to Moscow’s architecture. Later, professor Gusev led one of the most important development programs of reinforced concrete structures in the USSR and Russia.
Professor Gusev’s collaboration with Slovenian scientists began in 1995, with the Centre for Experimental Mechanics. As a co-supervisor, he participated in the education of several doctoral students who came from Russia to study for a doctorate at the University of Ljubljana.
Prof. Gusev is the President of the Russian Academy of Engineering, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an honorary scientist of the Russian Federation, a recipient of the Russian Government Awards for Science and Education.