Børge Diderichsen

Podpredsednik, Novo Nordisk, in soustanovitelj družbe ScanBalt, Danska

Børge Diderichsen je svojo znanstveno kariero začel z diplomo iz biokemije ter doktoratom iz mikrobiologije na Univerzi v Copenhagnu. Kot raziskovalec in menedžer je deloval v Novo Nordisk in postal podpredsednik. Sedaj, ko je v pokoju, se ukvarja s strateškim svetovanjem na flamskem inštitutu za biotehnologijo (VIB), Belgija.

Bil je podpredsednik enote »Corporate Research Affairs« v Novo Nordisk. Je član belgijske akademije tehničnih znanosti. Bil je med ustanovitelji Medicon Valley Alliance. Pogosto je vodil ali bil član različnih delovnih skupin Evropske komisije.

Veliko in dolga leta je sodeloval s Slovenijo. Je eden od predlagateljev in sodelavcev Proteus projekta, ki poteka med Univerzo v Ljubljani, kitajskim inštitutom Beijing Genomics Institute – BGI ter Inštitutom za regenerativno medicino Lars Bolund (Aarhus, Danska in Qingdao, Kitajska).

Projekti, ki jih je Novo Nordisk financiral na UL BF – glive, ki delujejo v ekstremnih pogojih (visoka slanost, povišana temperaturna obstojnost), so pomebni organizmi za biotehnološko proizvodnjo zdravil.

Sodeloval oziroma svetoval je MIZŠ in ARRS pri politiki prenosa znanja.

Vice President, Novo Nordisk, co-founder of ScanBalt, Denmark

Børge Diderichsen began his scientific career with a degree in biochemistry and a doctorate in microbiology from the University of Copenhagen. As a researcher and manager, he worked at Novo Nordisk and became vice president. Now retired, he is engaged in strategic consulting at the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology (VIB), Belgium.

He was Vice President of the Corporate Research Affairs Unit in Novo Nordisk. He is a member of the Belgian Academy of Technical Sciences. He was among the founders of the Medicon Valley Alliance. He has often chaired or been a member of various European Commission working groups.

He cooperated with Slovenia for many and many years. He is one of the proponents and collaborators of the Proteus project, which takes place between the University of Ljubljana, the Chinese Institute Beijing Genomics Institute-BGI, and the Lars Bolund Institute for Regenerative Medicine (Aarhus, Denmark, and Qingdao, China).

Projects funded by Novo Nordisk at UL BF - fungi operating in extreme conditions (high salinity, increased temperature resistance) are important organisms for biotechnological drug production.

He is an advisor to the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports in the policy of knowledge transfer.